Why You Might Like These Books

Like Action? See these stories:
• Be there when the Corporal lands a Navy helicopter with engine failure on its narrow deck, while bobbing out at sea. The copter and the crew were in peril of being lost at sea. Tense real-life moments from the men who were there. See picture below in Gallery.
• Ride the Chopper as it survives extreme angles up and down in quick order. Men being thrown about like rag dolls.
• Gasp as the Stickleback loses power, surfaces, and then gets rammed by a Destroyer Escort while on exercises.
Like Drama?:
• Be there as men interview with the irascible Vice Admiral Hyman G Rickover and how he treated everyone with disrespect and disdain, on purpose.
• Read about 3 emergency appendectomies aboard US Submarines on patrol during WWII – how were these done without proper implements?
• Read about how men survived the sinkings of their boats.
• Read about how a submarine lost its screw (propellar) at 400 feet and survived.
If you like stories of men dealing with unexpected situations and how they reacted, like George Rocek, who survived not only the sinking of his own submarine, but the Japanese carrier he was put on after his rescue at sea.
If you like all of these – and more…
You Are Sure to enjoy the Poopie Suits series of True Sub Tales. 6 books with 1 more on the way.
Like History?:
• The loss of the F-4, the first US submarine lost at sea.
• Adm Nimitz, a submariner, who ran the war in the Pacific, his background and how he was chosen to be CINCPAC, Commander in Chief, Pacific Theatre.
• The story of the Nautilus, the world’s first nuclear powered submarine and an historical message that almost wasn’t.
• Stories of 4 Presidents who rode submarines, including a German U- Boat.
• Story of the first, and only, successful rescue of men aboard a downed submarine, read about the USS Squalus (SS 192)
• Stories of how submarines were launched and sponsored.
• Stories of famous submarine skippers of WWII.